
Ahoy there, mates! I'm Chris Dutton, a proud father to two adventurous souls and the fortunate husband of my incredible wife, Shawna. Life has taken me on a whirlwind journey, but no matter where the winds blow, the sea has always been my true north. In my younger days, I sailed the rugged waters of Southeast Alaska and the mystical passages of the Inside Passage as a seasoned maritime captain. From wrestling with stubborn currents to sharing laughs with fellow sailors under the starry skies, those were the days that shaped me into the man I am today. Although I've since traded my captain's hat for a programmer's cap, the saltwater still courses through my veins. As a freelance contractor in the digital realm, I navigate the virtual waves with the same determination and gusto that I once did on the open sea. Yet, amidst the ebb and flow of work, my heart finds solace in the moments spent with my beloved family. Whether we're setting sail on our Selene 53 Trawler, exploring hidden coves and forgotten shores, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, the laughter and love we share are the compass that guides us through life's greatest adventures. So come aboard as we navigate the unpredictable seas of life, weaving tales of love, laughter, and the timeless allure of the ocean. Fair winds and following seas to all who dare to dream alongside us!

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